Mastitis in dairy cows

Mastitis in dairy cows

Available Languages: EN ES PL IT

Course description:

Course based on a Lecture about Mastitis in dairy cows, imparted by the expert Demetrio Herrera in Barcelona, September 2018.


  • Understand the importance of mastitis in the dairy industry.
  • Make a revision of the pathogens that cause mastitis with a particular focus on characteristics that influence their treatment and control.
  • Have in-depth knowledge of the approach to mastitis control, including important aspects of environmental management, the milking process and preventive therapies.
CPD Standards office This activity equates to 2.5 hours of CPD
Demetrio Herrera

Demetrio Herrera

DVM, M.Sc in Dairy Cattle Farm Management, consultant expert in Mastitis and Milk Quality

Dr. Demetrio Herrera graduated from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain in 1999, completing a master degree in Pork Production in 2000 by the Agriculture College of Aberdeen University (Scotland) and, afterwards, a second master degree in Dairy Cattle Farming in 2013 by the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He currently works as a Mastitis and Milk Quality consultant expert in a private company, Qllet, based in Catalonia.