Talent Retention in Veterinary Centres
Module 1: Talent Retention in Veterinary CentresPractice Management

Talent Retention in Veterinary Centres
As a manager of a Veterinary Practice, you know that the cost of losing a good employee is high both economically, in terms of staff’s morale, and, furthermore, in costumer’s loyalty.
Retaining talent by fostering great work environment through specialization and by giving professionals emotional safety, will add sustainability, profit and competitiveness to your business.
In module 1 you will be introduced to the process of retaining talent through specialization of part of your staff and how it brings great advantages when made the right way.
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Content Coordination:
DVM Pol Sarquella
Marketing Professional
Pol Sarquella holds a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), a master’s Degree in One Health and a master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Marketing. His clinical area of expertise has been exotic medicine in Spain and wildlife in Africa the first years, but he currently works in the medical marketing field. As a veterinarian with medical experience in several practice models, he is passionate about marketing and science. Always curious, committed and with patient-centered attitude he believes in bringing innovative medical solutions for patients through constant improvements. In his free time he enjoys water and snow related sports and the loyal company of his dog Pam.

DVM Nina Brito
Marketing and Communication Professional
Nina Brito holds a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine from the Abel Salazar’s Biomedical Sciences Institute (ICBAS) in Oporto, and a master’s degree in Costume and Styling for Scenic Arts and Film. For years she worked as a general practitioner in a companion animal reference Hospital in Barcelona paired with stage projects and audivisuales related to arts, fashion and music. Then she worked as client follow-up and corporate communication responsible in the private veterinary field and currently holds the position of Digital Marketing Manager for the LIVISTO Group. Nina is also the creator of the LIVISTO’s anti-burnout HappyVetProject.org international platform. She is passionate about animals, personal development, sustainability, arts, and communication. As a mother of a pre-schooler and full-time passionate professional, she treasure’s family time in the sofa with their cat and outdoor activities. She manages to also take classical ballet and singing classes and to participate in some musical projects from time to time.
Are you ready?
Course modules
1. Talent Retention in Veterinary Centres
Practice Management
2. Talent Retention Process in Large Veterinary Centres
Practice Management
3. Talent Retention Process in Small-Sized Veterinary Centres
Practice Management