Reproduction management in dairy cattle Fertility

Course description:
Reproduction management is one of the main pillars for maintaining dairy farm profitability. It is known that proper reproduction strategy and good management are vital to maintain farm viability. Better reproduction results are achieved when animal health and welfare are satisfactory. A good diet, prevention of disease and good management practices are also needed. Fixed-time artificial insemination protocols are useful for improving reproductive parameters, but not all animals need to undergo synchronisation protocols in order to become pregnant. They should only be used when necessary to maintain good productive results. Reproduction veterinarians are aware of the relevance of fertility data, and work to establish a unique and appropriate strategy for each farm. With this LIVISTO multimedia and complete course entitled "Reproduction Management in Dairy Cattle”, it is offered an overview of cow’s reproductive cycle, their reproductive physiology, the importance of heat detection, semen management best practices and pregnancy diagnosis. The course also covers the various factors affecting fertility and looks in depth at reproduction strategies using synchronisation protocols. Finally, it highlights the importance of data analisis in order to take reproductive mangement decisions in time to achieve the best results.
- To become familiar with the overall reproductive management issues that may affect production in a dairy farm.
- To get acquainted to the several fixed-time artificial insemination protocols used in dairy cattle and their good use practices.
- To learn about information management and the importance of correctly analising data and key performance indicators in order to make strategic decisions.

Daniel Ponté
Daniel Ponté DVM, Especialista y Consultor en Reproduccion de Ganado Bovino (LleidaVet- España)
Daniel Ponté DVM, Bovine reproduction specialist consultant.
His daily work have always been on improving reproductive strategies in dairy farms.
He has been a partner of the company LleidaVet since 2002.

Alba Sala
Alba Sala, DVM Ruminant technical Services & Product Manager from Livisto.
Alba Sala, DVM
Currently holding the position of Ruminant Technical Services & Product Manager for Livisto.
Dr. Sala has practical experience in dairy medicine and her main focus of clinical work has been calf breeding and cattle management.