Pressure point pyoderma in dogs Dermatology

Course description:
A 9-year-old spayed female Boxer with large nodular lesions, swelling and multiple draining tracts consistent with pressure point pyoderma, comes for evaluation. Intensive clinical management of deep pyoderma, detecting primary predisposing factors and welfare measures need to be considered, as dog’s quality of life is severely impaired by painful lesions. Let’s see what can be done!
- Apply systematic knowledge and problem solving strategies to prioritise the differential diagnoses based on clinical history, signalment and physical examination findings.
- Learn the importance of bacterial culture and susceptibility testing.
- Understand that pyodermas can have underlying causes. For therapeutic success these causes must be identified and addressed correctly.

Joanna Karaś-Tęcza
DVM, Lecturer in veterinary dermatology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland)
Dr. Joanna Karaś-Tęcza graduated from veterinary studies at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), and completed postgraduate studies in veterinary dermatology at Luxembourg and Vienna, by the European School of Advanced Veterinary Studies. She is specialized in cytological ear and skin pathology, being the author or co-author of several articles, books and manuals on the subject. She teaches veterinary dermatology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW).