Management of mastitis on a dairy farm

Management of mastitis on a dairy farm

Available Languages: EN

Course description:

The course will help you become familiar with good udder health practices that affect milk quality and production on a farm. It will also reinforce your knowledge to achieve quality dairy products, preserve low levels of contamination and maximise farm profitability.

There are 5 voice-over videos structured according to the following points:

  • Prevalence of mastitis
  • Clinical Diagnosis
  • Aethiology diagnosis and treatment
  • Mastitis prevention and dry-off treatment
  • KPIs and critical points in the milking process

Finally, a short quiz will let you know if you have acquired the knowledge to get the credits recognised by the unit.


  • To understand the multifactorial process of mastitis impact on dairy farms.
  • Review good udder health management practices to achieve better production results on dairy farms.
CPD Standards office This activity equates to 1 hour of CPD.
Demetrio Herrera

Demetrio Herrera

DVM, M.Sc Udder health consultant

Dr. Demetrio Herrera graduated from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain in 1999, completing a master degree in Pork Production in 2000 by the Agriculture College of Aberdeen University (Scotland) and, afterwards, a second master degree in Dairy Cattle Farming in 2013 by the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He currently works as a Mastitis and Milk Quality consultant expert in a private company, Qllet, based in Catalonia (Spain). His activity is focused on dairy farm consultancy to prevent mastitis problems, improving udder health of the herd, milk quality and, as a consequence, improving dairy farm profitability.